Family Travels


NAVIGATION: Click on the links below to get to a picture gallery. Click on a picture to see a larger image, then click on the right (next) or left (previous) of a picture to move through the gallery. Click on the "x" in the upper right corner to return to the gallery. Click on the link in the upper left corner or the picture at the top of the page to go back.  Navigation in old galleries is by clicking on the arrows above and below the pictures.


1997 - London (new gallery)

2003 - Italy (old gallery)

Yosemite in Winter - [2005] [2006]  (new gallery)

2007 - San Miguel de Allende   Pages from a printed book.

2009 - Carcassonne   &  Paris

2011 - Venice   Pages from a printed book.  We had original planned to visit Japan in 2011 but the Fukushima nuclear disaster forced us to switch at, the last minute, to Venice.  We did visit Japan in 2016 

2016 - Cars of Cuba