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1957 Summer in Western Europe -- joined a Penn State student group for an educational tour (I was a rising junior in High School)
Israel 1967: in the summer of 1949 part of my family emigrated to Israel to live on a kibbutz. I lost track of them and didn't know where they were in Israel. In 1966 my stepfather wrote a letter to the last address he knew - the high school where my dad taught in 1948. That letter was forward to my mom and then to me. I exchanged letters with my stepfather who was living on the kubbutz Ma'agan Michael in Israel. When the 6-Day War broke out in June 1967, I decided to visit in the Fall of 1967 for around 6 weeks. On the way to Israel, I spent a day at Exp 67 World Fair in Montreal, Canada.
Moosonee in 1970 -- a town in Northern Ontario, Canada, considered "the Gateway to the Artic"